Bed Bugs In Thailand
If you’re backpacking your way through Southeast Asia, you’ll do well to avoid bedbugs in Thailand. It’s not only Thailand of course, bed bugs live pretty much everywhere if you let them, and hopping from hostel to hostel only increases your chances of coming face to face with the little blood-sucking bastards.

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Bed bugs in Thailand – Our nightmare infestation in Pai
We first came across them in Pai. A little paradise of mayhem in Northern Thailand. For a change we weren’t staying in a hostel, we’d actually checked into one of the best guesthouses in Pai.
We returned late on our first night to find a bed bug infestation. Then, unfortunately, we learned that the staff went home at 10 pm, meaning we couldn’t change rooms! We had no choice but to stay and face them.
We spent the night with trousers tucked into socks, hoodies tucked into trousers and torches on our phones! Nothing like the macho sketch above, I was hiding too.
Want to know more about Pai? Check out my Ulitmate Guide. It tells you everything you need to know.
What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are brown little critters, usually about 1cm long. They usually lie waiting in cracks, gaps and crevices in furniture. Waiting for the night to fall and you to fall asleep. Then they crawl out and feast on your blood.
Sounds pretty grim right, it’s no wonder they are one of the most feared creatures by any backpacker. Most would rather dip their toes in shark-infested waters than spend a night sharing a dorm with a family of bed bugs.
The bites cause a similar reaction to a mozzie bite, but there’s always the chance of an allergic reaction for some of us.
Are bed bugs common in Thailand?
Yes, you are likely to hear about bed bugs in Thailand. They are very common, especially in popular hostels. This is because they know how to spread themselves around. Latching onto backpacks and hitching a ride to the next hostel. Maybe they’re just misunderstood.
They just want to travel as we do and hitching a ride is the only way they can spread their wings. Shame that they evolved to suck blood though. Vampire tendencies don’t help you make friends. Not the right kind anyway.
How can you prevent getting bitten?
When you’re travelling you’re at the mercy of the maids. You hope that they are doing a thorough clean and check between each guest checking out and in. In reality, it’s probably not happening.
So there are a couple of things you can do to avoid bed bugs in Thailand. Firstly, a quick check as soon as you get into the room. Now I get that you might not want to feel like a clean freak, but it’s just a little bed bug check. Check the folds of the mattress and down the inside of the bed. That’s where they’re likely to be.
When looking for signs of bed bugs, put simply, you’re looking for blood and poop! If you see tiny specs of red or brown you could be in trouble.
The other really important thing to do is make sure you never put your bag on the bed. Even if you think it’s a bug-free room, don’t do it. Not only could you move them on to your next room, but you’ll also potentially get an infestation in your clothes. Bed bug pants don’t sound great, do they?

If you’re hungry for more travel tips and stories head back over to my blog. You can also check me out on Instagram.
Heading to Pai and want some accommodation tips?
If you’re on the lookout for some tips about where to stay in Pai, allow me to give you my four budget-based recommendations.
1 – Fancy Pants
If you’re feeling lavish then check out Reverie Siam Resort. Rooms are usually over £150 per night, which I know is crazy high for Pai, but hear me out. If you’re after something extra special and can afford it, you won’t regret treating yourself.
2 – Above Average Joe
If you prefer to place yourself in the middle you should head to Pai Vimaan Resort. This place comes in at around £40 per night and still gives a level of luxury compared to most places in Pai. It’s also located right in the middle of the town and is great to book trips from.
3 – Cheap But Private
If you’re like most of the travellers in Pai, you’re looking for cheap and cheerful. For that, I give you Villa De Pai. Rooms are often available for less than £10 per night and that’s for a private room with its own bathroom, fancy that!!
4 – Party Party
Finally, if you’re more of a social butterfly who travels from party hostel to party hostel, I know the place for you. That place is Bodega Pai Party Hostel. This place is for sociable travellers who like to party. Plus, as you’d expect with any good hostel, you can plan all the trips and travel you need from their reception.
Looking for more things to do in Pai?
If you’re hungry for more Pai travel tips you should check out my Ultimate Guide to Pai, Thailand.

About the author – The Sketchy Traveller
I’m not really a stickman, but it seems that I like portraying myself as one.
I’m an English guy who’s been travelling since 2017. I was never good at taking photos, sketching just seems to work better for me, and in my opinion, why do you want to see other people’s 4K videos and pictures of the world? Surely it’s better to see it for yourself. You can get in touch through the contact page or Instagram.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Happy travelling.