
I’m not really a stickman, but it seems that I like portraying myself as one.
I’m an English guy who’s been travelling since 2017. I was never good at taking photos, sketching just seems to work better for me, and in my opinion, why do you want to see 4K videos and pictures of the world? Surely it’s better to see it first-hand?
Hopefully, my sketches, stories and posts will ignite your adventure toes and get you out there to see things with your own eyes, not through someone else’s lens.
If for some reason you have a burning desire to learn more about me I’d recommend that you browse through my gallery and read my posts and stories. They’ll give you a pretty good idea about who The Sketchy Traveller is.
Click here to follow me on Instagram.
If you’d like you can message me on Instagram or on the contact page.
Happy travelling.